3986 N Campbell Ave Tucson, AZ 85719 520-795-3418

Johnny Icely, DMD  |  Mark A. Larsen, DMD 

Smile because You Mean It: Reasons to Get Dental Implants

A dazzling smile is one of the most attractive features a person can have. It can light up a room and make people feel at ease. However, missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures can cause discomfort and embarrassment, leading many people to hide their smiles.

Dental implants offer a solution to these problems, providing a permanent, natural-looking replacement for missing teeth. Below are some reasons why you should consider getting dental implants.

Improved Appearance

Missing teeth can affect your appearance and make you feel self-conscious. Dental implants blend in perfectly with your natural teeth since they are made to feel and appear like real teeth.

They are made of durable materials that mimic the appearance and function of real teeth, giving you a beautiful, natural-looking smile. With dental implants, you can improve your appearance and boost your confidence.

Enhanced Comfort

Ill-fitting dentures can cause discomfort and irritation, making it difficult to eat, speak, and smile. Dental implants are designed to fit securely in your mouth, so they feel comfortable and natural. 

They are anchored to your jawbone, providing stability and support for your replacement teeth. This means you can eat your favorite foods, speak clearly, and smile with confidence, without worrying about your teeth shifting or slipping.

Improved Oral Health

Many oral health issues, such as bone loss, gum disease, and tooth decay, can be brought on by missing teeth. Dental implants can help prevent these issues by providing support for your remaining teeth and stimulating your jawbone. 

They also make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene, as you can brush and floss your teeth just like you would with natural teeth.


Long-lasting dental implants can replace lost teeth. They are a long-term, cost-effective solution since, with regular maintenance, they can last a lifetime. 

Unlike dentures, which need to be replaced every few years, dental implants are a permanent solution that requires little maintenance.

Improved Speech

Speaking properly and confidently can be significantly impacted by missing teeth. When there are gaps in your teeth, it can cause air to escape through your mouth, making it difficult to form sounds properly.

This can lead to slurring, mumbling, or difficulty pronouncing certain words. Dental implants can help fill in these gaps, providing the support and stability needed to form sounds correctly. 

With dental implants, you can speak clearly and confidently without worrying about your teeth slipping or shifting. Your general communication abilities and social relations may benefit from this.

Improved Chewing Function

When you are missing teeth, it can be challenging to chew your food correctly, leading to digestive problems and discomfort. This can happen because you may not be able to grind your food down enough, leading to larger pieces of food that are harder to digest. 

Dental implants can help by providing the strength and stability needed to chew your food effectively. With dental implants, you can enjoy your favorite foods without worrying about discomfort or digestive issues. 

This can improve your overall nutrition and health, as you can eat a wider variety of foods that are necessary for a balanced diet. Dental implants can also improve your overall quality of life by allowing you to enjoy your food without discomfort or embarrassment.

Improved Self-Esteem

A beautiful smile can have a profound effect on your self-esteem and confidence. Dental implants can give you a gorgeous, natural-looking smile and boost your self-esteem. 

Your general well-being may improve because you won’t have to cover your teeth or feel self-conscious about your appearance.


Dental implants offer a permanent, natural-looking solution for missing teeth. If you’re thinking about getting dental implants, discuss your decision with your dentist to determine whether they’re a good fit for you.

CFF Dental is ready to help if you require quality dental implants! We offer tooth-colored restorations, same-day crowns, bridges, dental implants, 3D x-rays, Invisalign orthodontics, extractions, bone grafting, root canals, dentures, preventive care, and more. Schedule your dental appointment today!